I will admit it...I was once one of those "I'm not a parent, but I could do it better than you if I were" non-parents. Dumb, dumb, DUMB! As a young, dumb non-parent I would frequently roll my eyes at the screaming children in WalMart as I silently vowed that my own little preciousness would never be allowed to act like that in public. Fast forward to today...Tyson had a complete screaming melt down in WalMart one day because we wouldn't let him drink as much sweet tea as he wanted from our cups. I had two choices...give him the tea or let him scream. WalMart seemed like a loud enough place that night...his crys couldn't have been that noticeable. That point brings me to another dumb thought process I have had in my past life. My naive, childless self once swore she would never give her young child such terrible things as sweet tea. I would be lying if I said you would never find a sippy cup lying around here filled with sweet tea and cut with water. The kid's got to be allowed to live a little I've decided...plus he really likes it. This one though, this one is my favorite all time 'I will nevers'. Our bed is for Mom and Dad ONLY--no babies in our bed! HAHAHA. Last night Tyson barely made a peep as he rolled over in his bed down the hall...he did make one peep though, and that was all I needed to happily go scoop him up and bring him back to our bed to snuggle. One day I'll probably regret that habit I'm starting...but not today!
Here are just a few other things I have learned in these recent months of living with a child...
Bottom line is that this year has been the biggest, most blessed, most exhausting, most fulfilling, absolute best year of our lives. The biggest thing I have realized in these short 11 months is that everything has a season. Some days when Tyson's being extra fussy or clingy I just have to remind myself that this is just for a season. He won't always want me to hold him, he won't always want to be with me every where I go, he won't always cry for me when I leave the room, and, as overwhelming as it can be sometimes when supper needs to be cooked or I have a paper that has to be written, I know there will come a day when this season is over and I will undoubtedly miss it. I will never be as wanted as I am in this season, and I am doing everything I can to enjoy it and savor it so that when this season passes me by I won't regret anything. There's a season for exhaustion..it won't be like this forever. I won't always be in school and up all night studying because I can't bare to do it while Tyson's awake and wanting to play. Tyson won't always wake up in the middle of the night just because he wants to get in bed with us (or vice versa), and for now I enjoy the middle of the night snuggles.
Of course we have our days when I feel frustrated and overwhelmed...everybody does. But there is honestly nothing I would change about this crazy, fast paced, life we have as a family of 3. We aren't perfect, and we don't claim to be. We are happy, we work hard, we love our baby with everything we have, and we are just trying to achieve and maintain the best life for us. No matter how crazy things can get with work and school and life in general, everything stops and everything's ok the second I walk through my front door and see my two boys...my whole world is right where it should be.
We look forward to the completion of this first year, we look forward to many more years to come. We can't wait to watch Tyson grow and learn and turn into the little boy and then man he is destined to be. We hope to teach him to be happy with life, to be kind to everybody but stand up for himself when warranted, to work hard for what he wants, and just be the best person he can be.
Here's to coming close to completing one chapter, and here's to many, many more.
Now, I'm off to re-read an old blog post to remind myself of the letter I once wrote Tyson where I promised not to put him in a bubble. Yeah, that gets harder and harder every day. Sheesh...I can't help he's just too cute for words!!
I've never tried to post videos before, so I am not positive that these will work. Worth a shot though!! The first one was in late June...Tyson walking for the first time! The second one is Tyson saying "Tyson"!!